The Fotomat
Could you imagine if the digital camera wasn't invented? The internet definitely "look" different I'm sure.
The Bay Bridge III
My second attempt at this shot. Slightly better than my first. Could be better still but kinda rushed it because it was freakin' cold! Will keep trying!
Golden Gate Bridge IV & V
Revisited the Golden Gate Bridge again recently. "I feel" my captures are getting better and better each time. Maybe it's my focus is getting sharper, maybe it's my location or the clouds in the sky. I do know for sure that I'm understanding post processing a lot better but they also go hand in hand. Post processing can only help so much if the capture is not ideal.
Looking back at many of my previous captures of the Golden Gate Bridge, I can see progression in quality. With this set I almost like both of them equally. I like the sharpness of the towers in first image at the same time I like the slight softness to the second. Kinda gives it that dreamy look without going over the top where the colors come in too hot and glowing like my first attempt, which now I'm really disliking.